pleading in equity. A defence in writing made by a defendant, to the
charges contained in a bill or information, filed by the plaintiff
against him in a court of equity. The word answer involves a double
sense; it is one thing when it simply replies to a question, another
when it meets a charge; the answer in equity includes both senses, and
may be divided into an examination and a defence. In that part which
consists of an examination, a direct andfull answer, or reply, must in
general be given to every question asked. In that part which consists of
a defence, the defendant must state his, case distinctly; but is not
required to give information respecting the proofs that are to maintain
it. Gresl . Eq. Ev. 19.
As a defendant is called by a bill or information to make a discovery
of the several cbarges it contains, he must do so, unless he is
protected either by a demurrer a plea or disclaimer. It may be laid down
as an invariable rule, that whatever part of a bill or information is
not covered by one of these, must be defended by answer. Redesd. Tr. Ch.
PI. 244.
In form, it usually begins, 1st, with its title, specifying which of
the defendants it is the answer of, and the names of the plaintiffs in
the cause in which it is filed as answer; 2d, it reserves to the
defendant all the advantages which might be taken by exception to the
bill; 3d, the substance of the answer, according to the defendant's
knowledge, remembrance, information and belief, then follows, in which
the matter of the bill, with the interrogatories founded thereon, are
answered, one after the other, together with such additional matter as
the defendant thinks necessary to bring forward in his, defence, either
for the purpose of qualifying, or adding to, the case made by the bill,
or to state a new case on his own behalf; 4th, this is followed by a
general traverse or denial of all unlawful combinations charged in the
bill, and of all other matters therein contained 5th, the answer is
always upon oath or affirmation, except in the case of a corporation, in
which case it is under the corporate seal.
In substance, the answer ought to contain, 1st, a statement of facts
and not arguments 2d, a confession and avoidance, or traverse and denial
of the material parts of the bill 3d, its language ought to be direct
and without evasion. Vide generally as to answers, Redes. Tr. Ch. PI.
244 to 254; Coop. Pl. Eq. 312 to 327; Beames PI. Eq. 34 et seq.; Bouv.
Inst. Index, h. t. For an historical account of this instrument, see 2
Bro. Civ. Law, 371, n. and Barton's Hist. Treatise of a Suit in Equity.
ANSWER, practice. The declaration of a fact by a witness after a question has been put asking for it.
If a witness unexpectedly state facts against the interest of the party
calling him, other witnesses may be called by the same party, to
disprove those facts. But the party calling a witness cannot discredit
him, by calling witnesses to prove his bad character for truth and
veracity, or by proving that he has made statements out of court
contrary to what he has sworn on the trial; B. N. P.; for the production
of the witness is virtually an assertion by the party producing him,
that he is credible.
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