com. law. 1. A place for the deposit of money. 2. An institution,
generally incorporated, authorized to receive deposits of money, to lend
money, and to issue promissory notes, usually known by the name of bank
notes. 3. Banks are said to be of three kinds, viz : of deposit, of
discount, and of circulation; they generally perform all these
operatious. Vide Metc. & Perk. Dig. Banks and Banking.
BANKBOOK ,commerce.
A book which persons dealing with a bank keep, in which the officers of
the bank enter the amount of money deposited by them, and all notes or
bills deposited by them, or discounted for their use.
contracts. A bank note resembles a common promissory note, (q. v.)
issued by a bank or corporation authorized to act as a bank. It is in
fact a promissory note, but such notes are not, for many purposes, to be
considered as mere securities for money; but are treated as money, in
the ordinary course and transactions of business, by the general consent
of mankind and, on payment of them, when a receipt is required, the
receipts are always given as for money, not as for securities or notes. 1
Burr. R. 457; 12 John. R. 200; 1 John. Ch. R. 231; 9 John. R. 120; 19
John. 144; 1 Sch. & Lef. 318, 319; 11 Ves. 662; 1 Roper, Leg. 3; 1
Ham. R. 189, 524; 15 Pick. 177; 5 G. & John. 58; 3 Hawks, 328; 5 J.
J. Marsh. 643.
Bank notes are assignable by delivery. Rep. Temp. Hard. 53 9 East, R.
48; 4 East, R. 510 Dougl. 236. The holder of a bank note is prima facie
entitled to prompt payment of it, and cannot be affected by the fraud of
any former holder in obtaining it, unless evidence be given to bring it
home to his privity. 1 Burr. 452; 4 Rawle, 185 13 East, R. 135 Dane's
Ab. Index, h. t.; Pow. on Mortg. lndex, h. t. U. S. Dig. h. t. Vide
Bouv. Inst. Index, h. t. Note; Promissory note; Reissuable note.
They cannot be taken in execution. Cunning. on Bills, 537; Hardw.
Cases, 53; 1 Arch. Pr. 268 1 Wils. Rep. 9 Cro. Eliz. 746, pl. 25
The capital of a bank. It is usually divided in shares of a certain
amount. This stock is generally transferable on the bools of the bank,
and considered as personal property. Vide Stock.
com. law. A banker is one engaged in the business of receiving other
persons money in deposit, to be returned on demand discounting other
persons' notes, and issuing his own for circulation. One who performs
the business usually transacted by a bank. Private bankers are generally
not permitted.
2. The business of bankers is generally performed through the medium of incorporated banks.
A banker may be declared a bankrupt by adverse proceedings against him.
Act of Congress of 19th Aug. 1841. See 1 Atk. 218; 2 H. Bl. 235; 1
Mont. B. L. 12.
Among the ancient Romans there were bankers called argentarii, whose
office was to keep registers of contracts between individuals, either to
loan money, or in relation to sales and stipulations. These bankers
frequently agreed with the creditor to pay him the debt due to him by
the debtor. Calvini Lex. Jurid.
contracts. In England a distinction is made between bank notes, (q. v.)
and bankers' notes. The latter are promissory notes, and resemble bank
notes in every respect, except that they are given by persons acting as
private bankers. 6 Mod. 29; 3 Chit. Com. Law, 590; 1 Leigh's N. P. 338.
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