SET, contracts.
Foreign bills of exchange are generally drawn in parts; as, "pay this
my first bill of exchange, second and third of the same tenor and date
not paid;" the whole of these parts, which make but one bill, are called
a set. Chit. Bills, 175, 6, (edition of 1836); 2 Pardess. n. 342.
TO SET ASIDE. To annul; to make void; as to set aside an award.
2. When proceedings are irregular they may be set aside on, motion of the party whom they injuriously affect.
SET-OFF, contracts,
practice. Defalcation; (q. v.) a demand which a defen-dant makes
against the plaintiff in the suit for the purpose of liquidating the
whole or a part of his claim.
A set-off was unknown to the common law, according to which mutual
debts were distinct and inextinguishable except by actual payment or
release. 1 Rawle's R. 293; Babb. on Set-off, 1.
The statute 2 Geo. II., c. 22, which has been generally adopted in the
United States with some modifications however, allowed, in cases of
mutual debts, the defendant to set his debt against the other, either by
pleading it in bar, or giving it in evidence, when proper notice had
been given of such intention, under the general issue. The statute being
made for the benefit of the defendant, is not compulsory; 8 Watts, R.
39; the defendant may Waive his right, and bring a cross action against
the plaintiff. 2 Campb. 594; 5 Taunt. 148; 9 Watts, R. 179
It seems, however, that in some cases of intestate estates, and of
insolvent estates, perhaps owing to the peculiar wording of the law, the
statute has been held to operate on the rights of the parties before
action brought, or an act done by either of them. 2 Rawle's R. 293; 3
Binn. Rep. 135; Bac. Ab. Bankrupt K.
Set-off takes place only in actions on contracts for the payment of
money, as assumpsit, debt and covenant. A set-off is not allowed in
actions arising ex delicto, as, upon the case, trespass, replevin or
detinue. Bull. N. P. 181.
The matters which may be set off, may be mutual liquidated debts or
damages, but unliquidated damages cannot be set off. 1 Black. R. 394; 2
John. 150; 8 Conn. 325; 1 M'Cord, 7; 3 Wend. 400; 1 Stew. & Port.
19; 2 Yeates, 208; 1 Sumn. 471; 2 Blackf. 31; 1 A. K. Marsh. 41; 6
Halst. 397; 5 Wash. C. C. 232 3 Bibb, 49; 2 Caines, 33. The statutes
refer only to mutual unconnected debts; for at common law, when the
nature of the employment, transaction or dealings necessarily constitute
an account consisting of receipts and payments, debts and credits, the
balance only is considered to be the debt, and therefore in an action,
it is not necessary in such cases either to plead or give notice of
set-off. 4 Burr. 2221.
In general, when the government is plaintiff, no set-off will be
allowed. 9 Pet. 319; 4 Dall. 303. See 9 Cranch, 313; Paine, 156. But
when an act of congress authorizes such set-off, it may be made. 9
Cranch, 213.
Judgments in the same rights may be set off against each other at the
discretion of the court. 3 Bibb 233; 3 Watts 78; 3 Halst. 172; 4 Hamm.
90; 1 Stew. & Port. 24; 7 Mass. 140, 144; 8 Cowen 126. Vide
Compensation; also Mon-tagu on Set-off; Babington on Set-off; 3 Stark.
Ev. h. t.; Amer. Dig. h. t.; Whart. Dig. h. t.; 3 Chit. Bl. Com. 304,
n.; 1 Chit. Pl. Index, h. t.; 8 Vin. Ab. 556; Bac. Ab. h. t. 1 Sell. Pr.
321; 5 Com. Dig. 595; 6 Id. 335; 7 Id. 336; 8 Id. 927; Chit. Pr. Index,
h. t.; Bouv. Inst. Index, h. t. Vide Factor.
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