- Alabama Administrative Office of Court Appellate Forms, Attorney Fee Declarations, Child Support Forms, Civil Forms, Court Administration, Criminal Forms, Do It Yourself Forms, Finance Forms, Human Resources, Juvenile Forms, Limited Scope Representation, Local County Forms, Motion Cover Sheet, Municipal Forms, Oaths of Office Forms, Probate Forms, Professional Services Fee Declarations, Sample Criminal Forms, Small Claims, Traffic Forms
- Alaska Court System Administration, Appeals, Children's Proceedings, Civil, Criminal, Domestic Relations, Domestic Violence, Family Law, Guardianship/Conservatorship, Jury, Mediation, Mental Commitment, Probate, Small Claims, Stalking or Sexual Assault, Traffic, Trial Court, Vital Statistics
- Arizona Judicial Branch - Self Service Forms Minor Abortion Without Parental Consent, Garnishment, Appeals, Name Change, Civil, Personal Information Redaction, Emancipation of a Minor, Probate, Eviction Action, Pro Hac Vice, Family Law, Protective Orders, Fee Waiver and Deferral, Small Claims, Historically Significant Case
- Arkansas Judiciary
- California Courts - The Judicial Branch of California
- Colorado Judicial Branch Adoption, Appeals, County Civil, Criminal, Penal, District Civil, Domestic/Family, Filing Fees, Juvenile, Miscellaneous, Paternity, Probate, Protection Orders, Small Claims, Water
- Connecticut Official Court Webforms Administrative Forms , Civil Forms, Individual Civil Forms, Criminal Forms, Family Forms, Grievance Forms, Housing Forms, Juvenile Forms, Probate Forms, Small Claims Forms, Supreme/Appellate Forms, Victim Services Forms
- Delaware State Court - Forms Alternative Dispute Resolution, Appeals, Bail Bonds, Change Your Name, Custody, Divorce, Expedited Relief, Expungement of Criminal Records, Garagekeeper's Liens, General Civil Lawsuits, Guardianship, Judgments, Landlord/ Tenant, Licenses and Registrations, Paternity/Genetic Testing, Protection From Abuse, Real Estate (Land) Issues, Support, Traffic, Visitation, Wills and Estates, Workplace Issues
- District of Columbia Courts - Public Section The Public section of our website is designed to assist you in getting answers to your questions on important legal matters and court processes. Find information on how you can file a case, settle an estate, have your criminal record sealed, represent yourself, and more. Start by clicking on the type of case you are inquiring about on the left hand side of this page, or use the Public menu to find a topic that is applicable to you.
- Florida - The Eight Judicial Circuit Circuit Crimina, Civil Traffic, County Criminal, Family Court, Small Claims
- Florida Ninth Judicial Circuit Court Civil Magistrate Court Forms, Civil - Complex Litigation Forms, Criminal Court Forms, Dispute Resolution Forms, Emergency Injunction Forms, Family Court Forms, Family Ties, Judicial Assisistant Manual Application Form, Probate, Probate-Guardian Advocate
- Florida State Courts - Family Law Forms Temporary/Concurrent Custody, Special Cases, Domestic, Repeat, Sexual and Dating Violence, Adoption, Name Change, Paternity, Parenting Coordinator, Judgments and Orders
- Georgia Administrative Office of the Courts Superior Court Forms, Juvenile Court Forms, Probate Court Forms, Magistrate Court Forms, Inmate/Habeas Forms, Domestic Violence/Protective Order Forms, Statewide Domestic Relations Forms
- Hawaii - Forms Central As a community service, the State of Hawaii is making an effort to bring as many forms as possible to the public. However, due to the special nature of some forms, their publication is not feasible.
- Idaho Judicial Branch - Court Assistance Office A listing of each state-wide court approved individual form created and maintained by the Court Assistance Office.
- Illinois - Secnd Judicial Circuit Court Online Forms
- Indiana Judiciary Branch - Forms and Court Rules Court Forms for Attorneys and Court Forms for Self-Represented Litigants
- Indiana State Online Services Forms.IN.gov provides citizens and employees of the State of Indiana a common access point to State forms. Managed by the Indiana Commission on Public Records, the Catalog contains electronic versions of relevant and current forms, allowing citizens to more easily conduct business with the State of Indiana.
- Iowa Judicial Branch - Court Rules and Forms Confidential Information Forms, Pro Hac Vice Forms, Civil Procedure Forms, Family Law Forms, Small Claims Forms, Probate Forms, Juvenile Forms, Hospitalization for Mental Illness Forms, Commitment: Substance-Related Disorder Forms
- Kansas - The 4th Judicial District Court Forms
- Kansas - U.S. District Court Attorney Forms; General, Civil Forms; CJA Forms; Court Appointed/Self Representation Forms; Criminal Forms; Employment Forms; Fees/Reimbursement Forms; Prisoner Forms
- Kansas Judicial Branch The Judicial Council has the statutory authority to prescribe many of the forms used in legal proceedings.
- Kentucky Court of Justice - Legal Forms These forms are made available to the public and to the bar by the Kentucky Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC)
- Louisiana Supreme Court Rules of the Louisiana Supreme Court
- Maine Judicial Branch - Court Forms Business and Consumer Docket (BCD) Forms; Protection from Abuse (PA); Civil Forms; Protective Custody (PC); Criminal Forms; Small Claims; Family Matters; Forms for Appeals; Foreclosure Diversion Program (FDP); Money Judgment (MJ); Forms for Appeals
- Maryland Judiciary - Court Forms Civil, criminal, domestic violence/peace and protective orders, law enforcement, general
- Massachusetts Court System Office of Court Interpreter Services Forms; Trial Court Department Forms; Affidavit of Indigency and Related Forms
- Massachusetts Court System - Self Help Boston Municipal Court Department; District Court Department; District Court Department; Probate and Family Court Department
- Michigan State Court Administrative Office Approved Court Forms Abortion Waiver; Adoption; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Appeals; Bankruptcy: Case Evaluation; Civil; Claim and Delivery; Criminal, Domestic Relations; Emancipation; Estates and Trusts; Foreign Translations; Forfeiture; Garnishment; Guardian and Conservator; Infectious Disease; Juvenile; Landlord-Tenant and Land Contract; Mental Health; Mortgage Foreclosure; Motor Vehicle Offenses; Name Change; Personal Protection; Probate; Safe Delivery of Newborn; Sex Offender Registration Small Claims; Substance Abuse Treatment; Young Adult Foster Care
- Minnesota Judicial Branch - Court Forms The Minnesota Judicial Branch publishes these state-approved court forms free of charge as a public service. Categories: Adoption; Appeals; Bankruptcy; Child Custody / Parenting Time; Child Protection; Child Support; Civil; Commitment; Conceal and Carry; Conciliation / Small Claims Court; Confidential Information; Contempt of Court; Criminal; Criminal Expungement; Divorce / Dissolution; Domestic Abuse; Family; Fee Waiver / In Forma Pauperis; Forfeiture and Impoundment; Guardianship / Conservatorship; Harassment Housing / Landlord-Tenant; Judgment Enforcement; Juvenile Delinquency; Motor Vehicles; Name Change; Parental Notification; Paternity; Probate; Protective Orders; Service of Process; Spousal Support; Subpoena;
- Missouri Court Forms Adult Abuse Forms; Child Protection Forms; Child Support Forms; Civil Forms; Criminal Forms; Family Access Forms; General Forms; Probate Forms; Small Claims Forms; Tax Offset Forms
- Montana State Law Library Adoption; Annulment; Appeals; Attorney Complaints; Bankruptcy; Business Forms; Child Custody; Child Support; City Court; Civil Court Forms; Collecting a Judgment; Common Law Marriage; Conservatorship; Criminal Jury Instructions; Discovery...
- Nebraska Online Legal Self-Help Center Appeals; Court Records; Estates; Families & Children; Financial/Medical; General Trial Court; Guardians & Conservators; Name Change; Protection from Abuse; Small Claims; Workers' Compensation
- Nevada Supreme Court - Self Help / Pro Se Domestic Violence Protection Order Forms; Family Division Forms; Guardianship--Standardized Forms; Landlord Tenant Forms - Apartments; Landlord Tenant Forms -Mobile Homes; Self Help/Pro Se Appellate Forms; Standardized Divorce Forms - Complaint for Divorce; Standardized Forms for Mandatory Use in Stalking and Harassment, Workplace Harassment and Harm to Minors
- New Hampshire Judicial Branch - Self-Help Center Supreme Court Appeals, Divorce, Domestic Relations information & forms; Juvenile Abuse and Neglect; Adoption; Estates; Guardianships
- New Jersey Judiciary - Forms for Attorneys Civil Division; Criminal Division; Family Division; Municipal; Interstate Child Support; NJ Child Support; Tax Court; Appellate Division
- New Jersey Judiciary - Self-Help Resource Center Civil Division; Criminal Division; Family Division; Municipal; Interstate Child Support; NJ Child Support; Probation Services; Tax Court; Appellate Division; Supreme Court; Legal Practice Forms
- New Mexico Supreme Court Legal Forms District Court Forms: Civil, Criminal, Domestic Relations, Domestic Violence Magistrate Court Forms: Civil, Criminal Metropolitan Court Forms: Civil, Criminal Municipal Court Probate Court
- New York State Unified Court System Family Court; Domestic Violence; Surrogate's Court; Divorce Forms; Criminal Forms
- North Carolina Court System Administrative; Civil; Court of Appeals; Criminal; Estate; Juvenile; Mediated Settlement / DRC; Small Claims; Special Proceedings; Waivers
- North Dakota Supreme Court - Forms for Self Represented Parties Appeal Forms; Child Support; Child Visitation; Continuance Request; Guardianship and Conservatorship Reports; Informal Probate; Petition for Disorderly Conduct; Restraining Order; Petition for Protective Relief; Simple Divorce Forms; Small Claims Court Forms; Waiver of Court Fees Forms
- Ohio State Forms State and Local Forms; State Agency Forms; Boards and Commissions Forms
- Ohio Supreme Court Services
- Oklahoma State Courts Network Supreme Court and Court of Civil Appeals; Court of Criminal Appeals; Administrative Office of the Courts; Oklahoma Secretary of State; District Courts of Oklahoma; District Courts of Oklahoma Cover Sheets; Child Support; Workers' Compensation; Juvenile Courts
- Oregon Judicial Department Forms for Individual Circuit Courts and Statewide Forms
- Pennsylvania Unified Judicial System On this site are widely used forms including forms for filing civil complaints, private criminal complaints and notices of settlement when cases are privately resolved.
- Rhode Island Judiciary Forms Supreme Court; Superior Court; Family Court; District Court; Workers' Compensation Court; Rhode Island Traffic Tribunal
- South Carolina Judicial Department Appellate; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Common Pleas; Family Court; General Sessions; Magistrate; Magistrate/Municipal; Municipal; Probate Court
- South Dakota Unified Judicial System Adoption Reporting Form; Confidential Information Form; Confidential Financial Documents Info Form; Domestic Protection Order Forms; Mediation Application Form; Parenting Time Forms; Pro Se Divorce With Children Forms; Pro Se Divorce Without Children Forms; Pro Se Name Change Forms; Child Support Late Fee Forms; Stalking Protection Order Forms; Civil Filing Statements; Record Search Request Form;
- Tennessee State Courts Appellate Court forms; Attorney Claim forms; Divorce Forms; Order of Protection; Mediation forms; Parenting Plan forms; Trial & General Sessions Court forms; Juvenile Court forms;
- Texas Courts - Publications, Forms and Online Information
- Texas Law Help Do-It-Yourself Forms.
- Utah State Forms Adoption; Appeals; Child Custody; Child Support; Child Welfare; Civil - General; Conservatorship; Criminal; Custody Evaluation;...
- Vermont Judiciary Forms Court Forms; Civil Division Forms; Criminal Division Forms; Environmental Forms; Family Division Forms; Judicial Bureau Forms; Law Enforcement Forms; Probate Forms; Supreme Forms
- Virginia Judicial System Supreme Court of Virginia; Court of Appeals; General District Court; Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court; Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission Complaint Form; Mediation; Parent Education Self Evaluation
- Washington State Court Forms Ending the Marriage; Third-Party Custody; Child Support; Child Relocation; Juvenile Court Forms; Criminal Law;...
- West Virginia Judiciary - Court Forms Family Court Forms; Magistrate Court Forms; Domestic Violence Forms; Personal Safety Forms; Infant Guardianship Forms; Mental Hygiene Forms; Fee Waiver Forms; Court Reporter Forms; West Virginia Judiciary Application for Employment
- West Virginia Public Services Forms for Business and Licensing; Forms for Citizens; Forms for Government
- Wisconsin Court System Forms Forms for civil, criminal, family, guardianship, juvenile, mental commitment, probate and small claims cases; Forms for grievances against lawyers and trust account forms
- Wisconsin State Law Library The Wisconsin State Law Library provides links to forms solely as a service to our users. Selecting, completing, filing, or using the forms found on linked external web sites is entirely the responsibility of users and their attorneys. The Library does not guarantee the accuracy, currency, or applicability of any form.
- Wyoming Judicial Branch - Self-Help Center Family Law Pro Se Forms; Certified Substance Abuse Evaluations and Providers List; Civil Case Cover Sheet
Legal Forms from State Courts
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MEASURE. That which is used as a rule to determine a quantity. A certain quantity of something, taken for a unit, and which expresses...
CONSTRUCTION , practice. It is defined by Mr. Powell to be "the drawing in inference by the act of reason, as to the intent of an...
DAM . A construction of wood, stone, or other materials, made across a stream of water for the purpose of confining it; a mole. 2. T...
ABANDONMENT for torts, a term used in the civil law. By the Roman law, when the master was sued for the tort of his slave, or the o...
M. When persons were convicted of manslaughter in England, they were formerly marked with this letter on the brawn of the thumb.
MARRIAGE. A contract made in due form of law, by which a free man and a free woman reciprocally engage to live with
COMMISSION , contracts, civ. law. When one undertakes, without reward, to do something for another in respect to a thing bailed. This ...
DEPOSIT , contracts. Usually defined to be a naked bailment of goods to be kept for the bailor, without reward, and to be returned ...
CONVEYANCE , contracts. The transfer of the title to land by one or more persons to another or others. By the term persons is here und...
TREASURE TROVE. Found treasure. 2. This name is given to such money or coin, gold, silver, plate, or bullion, which having been hi...
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JACTITATION. OF MARRIAGE, Eng. eccl. law. The boasting by an individual that he or she has married another, from which it may happen that...
IMPEACHMENT , const. law, punishments. Under the constitution and laws of the United States, an impeachment may be described to be a wr...
MARRIAGE. A contract made in due form of law, by which a free man and a free woman reciprocally engage to live with
AMBASSADOR , international law. A public minister sent abroad by some sovereign state or prince, with a legal commission and authority...
SUBPOENA, practice, evidence. A process to cause a witness to appear and give testimony, commanding him to lay aside all pretences and ...
DEAD Something which has no life; figuratively, something of no value. DEAD BODY , crim. law. A corpse. 2. To take up a dead body wit...
TRADE In its most extensive signification this word includes all sorts of dealings by way of Bale or exchange. In a more limited sens...
Mathis v. United States Docket Number: 15-6092 Date Argued: 04/26/16 Issue: Whether a predicate prior conviction under the Armed Career Cr...
BILL OF LADING C ontracts and commercial law. A memorandum or acknowledgment in writing, signed by the captain or master of a ship or ...
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MEASURE. That which is used as a rule to determine a quantity. A certain quantity of something, taken for a unit, and which expresses...
CONDEMNATION , mar. law. The sentence or judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction that a ship or vessel taken as a prize on the h...
SANCTUARY. A place of refuge, where the process of the law cannot be executed. 2. Sanctuaries may be divided into religious and civi...
JACTITATION. OF MARRIAGE, Eng. eccl. law. The boasting by an individual that he or she has married another, from which it may happen that...
Mathis v. United States Docket Number: 15-6092 Date Argued: 04/26/16 Issue: Whether a predicate prior conviction under the Armed Career Cr...
ELECTION. This term, in its most usual acceptation, signifies the choice which several persons collectively make of a person to fill an o...
PACTUM CONSTITUTAE PECUNIAE C ivil law. An agreement by which a person appointed to his creditor, a certain day, or a certain time, a...
Criminal Law By Thomas J. Gardner, Terry M. Anderson Equipping you with a practical understanding of legal topics, Gardner and Anderson...
SUBPOENA, practice, evidence. A process to cause a witness to appear and give testimony, commanding him to lay aside all pretences and ...
DEAD Something which has no life; figuratively, something of no value. DEAD BODY , crim. law. A corpse. 2. To take up a dead body wit...
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SABBATH. The same as Sunday. (q. v.) SABINIANS. A sect of lawyers, whose first chief was Atteius Capito, and the second, Caelius S...
PACE . A measure of length containing two feet and a half; the geometrical pace is five feet long. The common pace is the length of a...
... ALIMENTS . In the Roman and French law this word signifies the food and other things necessary to the support of life, as clo...
M. When persons were convicted of manslaughter in England, they were formerly marked with this letter on the brawn of the thumb.
GABEL . A tax, imposition, or duty. This word is said to have the same signification that gabelle formerly had in France . Cunn. Dict...
CONSTITUTIONAL . That which is consonant to, and agrees with the constitu- tion. 2. When laws are made in violation of the const...
CABALLERIA , Spanish law. A measure of land, which is different in different provinces. Diccionario por la Real Academia. In those ...
DAM . A construction of wood, stone, or other materials, made across a stream of water for the purpose of confining it; a mole. 2. T...
E CONVERSO . On the other side or hand; on the contrary. E PLURIBUS UNUM . One from more. The motto of the arms of the United States...
A , the first letter of the English and most other alphabets, is frequently used as an abbreviation, (q. v.) and also in the marks of ...
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