intern. law. An agreement between two or more states or nations, by
which they unite for their mutual protection and good. This term is
applied to such agreement between two independent nations, but it is
used to signify the union of different states of the same nation, as the
confederacy of the states.
The original thirteen states, in 1781, adopted for their federal
government the " Articles of confederation and perpetual union between
the States," which continued in force until the present constitution of
the United States went into full operation, on the 30th day of April,
1789, when president Washington was sworn into office. Vide 1 Story on
the Const. B. 2, c. 3 and 4.
crim. law. An agreement between two or more persons to do an unlawful
act, or an act, which though not unlawful in itself, becomes so by the
confederacy. The technical term usually employed to signify this
offence, is conspiracy. (q. v.)
CONFEDERACY, equity pleading. The fourth part of a bill in chancery usually charges a confederacy; this is either general or special.
The first is by alleging a general charge of confederacy between the
defendants and other persons to injure or defraud the plaintiff. The
common form of the charge is, that the defendants, combining and
confederating together, to and with divers other persons as yet to the
plaintiff unknown, but whose names, when discovered, he prays may be
inserted in the bill, and they be made parties thereto, with proper and
apt words to charge them with the premises, in order to injure and
oppress the plaintiff in ti e premises, do absolutely refuse, &c.
Mitf. Eq. Pl. by Jeremy, 40; Coop. Eq. Pl. 9 Story, Eq. Pl. 29; 1 Mont.
Eq. Pl. 77; Barton, Suit in Eq. 33; Van Heyth. Eq. Drafts, 4.
When it is intended to rely on a confederacy or combination as a ground
of equitable jurisdiction, the confederacy must be specially charged to
justify an assumption of jurisdiction. Mitf. Eq. Pl. by Jeremy, 41;
Story, Eq. Pl. 30.
4. A general allegation of confederacy is now considered as mere form. Story, Eq. Pl. 29; 4 Bouv. Inst. n. 4169.
government. The name given to that form of government which the
American colonies, on shaking off the British yoke, devised for their
mutual safety and government.
The articles of confederation, (q. v.) were finally adopted on the 15th
of November, 1777, and with the exception of Maryland, which, however,
afterwards also agreed to them, were speedily adopted by the United
States, and by which they were formed into a federal bod y, and went
into force on the first day of March, 1781; 1 Story Const. 225; and so
remained until the adoption of the present constitution, which acquired
the force of the supreme law of the land on the first Wednesday of
March, 1789. 5 Wheat. R. 420. Vide Articles of Confederation.
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