2. A species of conveyance.
- 1. When a contract has been entered into by a stranger without
authority, he in whose name it has been made may, by his own act,
confirm it; or if the contract be made by the party himself in an
informal and voidable manner, he may in a more formal manner confirm and
render it valid; and in that event it will take effect, as between the
parties, from the original making. To make a valid confirmation, the
party must be apprised of, his rights, and where there has been a fraud
in the transaction, he must be award of it, and intend to confirm his
contract. Vide 1 Ball & Beatty, 353; 2 Scho. & Lef. 486; 12 Ves.
373; 1 Ves. Jr. 215; Newl. Contr. 496; 1 Atk. 301; 8 Watts. R. 280.
- 2. Lord Coke defines a confirmation of an estate, to be "a conveyance
of an estate or right in esse, whereby a voidable estate is made sure
and unavoidable; or where a particular estate is increased."
The first part of this definition may be illustrated by the following
case, put by Littleton, 516; where a person lets land to another for the
term of his life, who lets the same to another for forty years, by
force of which he is in possession; if the Iessor for life confirms the
estate of the tenant for years by deed, and afterwards the tenant for
life dies, during the term; this deed will operate as a confirmation of
the term for years.. As to the latter branch of the definition; whenever
a confirmation operates by way of increasing the estate, it is similar
in every respect to a release that operates by way of enlargement, for
there must be privity of estate, and proper words of limitation. The
proper technical words of a confirmation are, ratify and confirm;
although it is usual and prudent to insert also the words given and
granted. Watk. Prin. Convey. cbap. vii.
A confirmation does not strengthen a void estate. Confirmatio est
nulla, ubi donum precedens est invalidum, et ubi donatio nulla est nec
valebit confirmatio. For confirmation may make a voidable or defeasible
estate good, but cannot operate on an estate void in law. Co. Litt. 295.
The canon law agrees with this rule, and hence the maxim , qui
confirmat nihil dat. Toull. Dr. Civ. Fr. liv. 3, t. 3, c. 6, n. 476.
Vide Vin. Ab. h. t.; Com. Dig. 11. t.; Ayliffe's Pand. *386; 1 Chit. Pr.
315; 3 Gill & John. 290; 3 Yerg. R. 405; Co. Litt. 295; Gilbert on
Ten. 75; 1 Breese's R. 236; 9 Co. 142, a; 2 Bouv. Inst. n. 2067-9.
An infant is said to confirm his acts performed during infancy, when,
after coming to full age, be expressly approves of them, or does acts
from which such confirmation way be implied. Sec Ratification.
CONFIRMEE. He to whom a confirmation is made.
CONFIRMOR. He who makes a confirmation to another.
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